JaSkel: A Java Skeleton-Based Framework for Structured Cluster and Grid Computing


This paper presents JaSkel, a skeleton-based framework to develop parallel and grid applications. The framework provides a set of Java abstract classes as a skeleton catalogue, which implements recurring parallel interaction paradigms. This approach aims to improve code efficiency and portability. It also helps to structure scalable applications through the refinement and composition of skeletons. Evaluation results show that using the provided skeletons do contribute to improve both application development time and execution performance.

In 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid) 2006
CORE A conference
Computer Scientist

My research interests include software reliability, software verification, and formal methods applied to software engineering. I am also interested in interactive storytelling. For more details, see some of my projects or my selected (or recent) publications. More posts are available in my blog. Follow me on Twitter or add me on LinkedIn.