Probabilities in Proofreading
Suppose you write a program and you send the source code to two of your
The original version of this problem concerns manuscripts and proofreaders, instead of source code and programmers. It was posed and solved by George Polya and published in 1976 on The American Mathematical Monthly under the name of Probabilities in Proofreading. Because the problem is interesting and Polya’s solution is short and elegant, I have decided to record and share it. Also, since code sharing and reading is a frequent activity in the software development world, estimating the desired value can be helpful for some readers of this blog.
Estimating the number of unnoticed errors
Because we are interested in an estimate, we can safely assume that
the expected numbers are approximately equal to the number of errors detected,
that is,
We now have all the ingredients to conclude the solution. Recall that our
goal is to estimate the value of
This is the desired estimate!